



As energy companies 和 the Houston region look to prepare 和 develop the workforce necessary to support the energy transition, 专家说,公司之间的合作, 教育机构, 联邦政府和其他组织是根本.

Experts from across the Houston region discussed how organizations 和 companies are preparing the workforce of the future during a panel discussion at the Greater Houston Partnership’s UpSkill 八月工作座谈会. 3. 

根据… BCG分析, most Houston-based oil 和 gas workers will rely on just nine capability sets by 2050. “以确保他们拥有适合未来的能力组合, 石油和天然气公司将需要开展一项基于技能的测绘工作, starting with defining the expertise 和 capabilities needed to succeed in their chosen business areas, 市场, 和地理位置,这是波士顿咨询公司关于皇冠HGA010官方下载过渡状态的出版物.

玛丽亚·苏亚雷斯-西蒙斯,皇冠HGA010官方下载政策高级主管 皇冠HGA010官方下载劳动力 & 技术委员会, encourages companies to take a “holistic view” of the occupations they offer 和 adjust them to the needs of the future of energy. Saurez-Simmons added that energy companies should create messaging that communicates there are opportunities for all, 不仅仅是工程师.

Scott Marshall,美国人力资源团队高级集团主管 沃利, “Hga010皇冠软件下载今天正处于过渡时期”, adding that companies should start reaching out to students at a much younger age to showcase available career paths if they are going to meet the dem和.  沃利提供了几个早期职业培训项目, 包括全球毕业生发展项目和儿童STEM研讨会. 

Stacy Putman, manager of advocacy, leadership, workforce development 和 strategic projects at 英力士, 分享了英力士如何与学校合作, 与K - 12年级的老师合作,教育他们可持续发展的机会, 皇冠HGA010官方下载转型与制造业. 帕特南还强调了参与员工职业生涯的重要性.

与这一战略演变相一致, a growing number of companies are adopting skills-based hiring as a means to diversify their talent pool. This shift from the traditional reliance on four-year college degrees highlights the need for specialized skills aligned with the dem和s of the energy transition.

劳尔•坎巴(Raul Camba)是该公司董事总经理和拉丁美洲主管 埃森哲咨询公司, helps energy companies navigate the energy transition but also focuses on the industry's adaptability within its operations, 战略和劳动力. Camba said another tool to close the skills gap is to identify adjacent skills or related 和 transferable skills a worker already has 和 build upon them. Camba said forums like this one where employers can openly share the tools 和 resources they're utilizing will help companies find innovative solutions 和 colleges 和 universities design programs based on the region's needs.

专家称,这是行业间的战略联盟, 教育和政府是建立一个熟练的, 有弹性和面向未来的皇冠HGA010官方下载劳动力.

参加9月14日的伙伴关系对话 企业如何与教育机构建立合作关系.

了解合作伙伴关系 休斯顿皇冠HGA010官方下载转型倡议UpSkill休斯顿.



国际有限公司. 将总部迁至休斯顿,宣布在凯蒂附近建立太阳能工厂

维吉尼亚州-based TMEIC Corporation Americas has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Houston, 计划在凯蒂附近建造一个太阳能制造工厂.   该公司, 是日本TMEIC公司的子公司, 会在2025年3月搬到休斯顿的皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊吗, 同时在罗阿诺克设有办公室, 维吉尼亚州. TMEIC will also launch a state-of-the-art photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing facility in Brookshire. 144年,000平方英尺的设施, 预计将于10月开业, will be located near its existing power supply 和 medium voltage drive manufacturing plant in Katy. 最初, 该设施的年生产能力将达到9gw, 具有未来扩张的潜力. 该设施预计将创造300个工作岗位.   "We are excited to make these investments for an exp和ed presence in the Houston area with the relocation of our headquarters 和 the opening of our new manufacturing facility,人肉人S说. TMEIC美洲公司总裁兼首席执行官Bhatia在一份声明中说. “This strategic expansion underscores TMEIC's dedication to the renewable energy industry, 推进清洁皇冠HGA010官方下载技术, 维持稳固的客户关系, 在全球竞争的基础上,同时自豪地在美国制造.”    The Greater Houston Partnership played a pivotal role in attracting TMEIC to the region, 积极将太阳能公司引进休斯顿.    这一声明强调了休斯顿作为太阳能领导者的地位日益突出. 根据清洁投资监测, 2023年,德克萨斯州吸引了超过120亿美元的太阳能投资. 作为全球皇冠HGA010官方下载转型的关键参与者, 休斯顿一直处于这一增长的前沿, establishing itself as a prime destination for solar manufacturing companies seeking expansion.  例如, 可再生部分, 一家专门从事风力涡轮机供应链和翻新的公司, 选择Humble作为其新的零件再循环车间. 类似的, international companies Triveni Turbines 和 Imperial Star Solar have also unveiled plans for new solar manufacturing facilities in the Houston area.  了解更多关于休斯顿在太阳能领域的领导地位. 


Sam Houston State University (SHSU) plans to reopen its vocational college with a focus on addressing the region’s workforce challenges 和 growing industry dem和s.   据休斯顿纪事报报道, this initiative began earlier this month when the Texas State University System voted to reinstitute 和 rename the institution as the Polytechnic College.  最初成立于1947年的乔西职业教育学院, the college was dedicated to equipping veterans 和 adults with additional training 和 skills needed for employment. 为了复兴这个机构, SHSU aims to build on this historic initiative by offering short-term certificate programs designed to provide immediate job opportunities. These programs will also serve as steppingstones towards advanced certificates or four-year degree programs, 提供灵活的职业发展和教育发展途径.  The Polytechnic College will collaborate with industry partners to design courses 和 curriculum that meet current industry needs. 另外, the college will align these offerings with existing academic programs to further research initiatives.   "We’re not going to just have a bunch of technical programs that cover the gamut," Chad W. Hargrave, SHSU’s vice president for research 和 strategic partnerships, told the Chronicle. "We’re going to be responsive to what industry is telling us they need today or in the near future."  This strategic initiative aligns with the growing efforts of local colleges 和 universities to address evolving industry needs. The University of Houston-Downtown recently introduced a new Wind Turbine Technician program to strengthen the region's renewable energy workforce. 与此同时, 去年秋天,阿尔文社区学院推出了一项生物技术证书课程, aiming to develop a pipeline of skilled technicians for the region’s biotech 和 life sciences sectors.  这些努力反映了休斯敦致力于建设未来的劳动力, 同时支持重点产业发展.  了解大休斯顿伙伴关系的休斯顿提升技能计划. 




担心人工智能会抢走你的工作? 你并不孤单. Back in 2019 the Organization for Economic Co-operation 和 Development made a bold forecast. 报告预测,在15到20年内,新的自动化…
